March 2nd, 2011 at 10:36am

I am the author of the following:

Regardless of the cause of chronic pain, certain themes emerge. Chronic pain affects the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of ones life. Chronic unrelieved pain causes impaired activities of daily living, changes in mood, decreased involvement in social activities, impairs function, leads to depression, anxiety, causes feelings of hopelessness and despair, and can result in suicidal behavior.

You learn who are your true friends. Many people are supportive in the beginning. As time goes on, most of those people reject you. Only true friends last.

Chronic unrelieved pain steals your future, your ability to hold a job, and your health insurance (if tied to your job.)

People that have not experienced severe unrelenting pain for months or years expect you to suck it up and continue your normal daily activities.

Chronic pain makes you feel alone. Like no one understands how much pain you are in.

Karen Paddock

[Sadly prophetic about suicide. – Hubby :-(]

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