Medical billing codes from in simple text form. The Medical Establishment failed Karen as a whole because of crap like these codes being the focus of the Medical Establishment and Insurance Companies, rather than focusing on the patient before them. Do we really need a system of billing codes that lets us do this kind of crap?: My “Sexual dysfunction not due to a substance or known physiological condition” (F52) became so bad after my many spacecraft crashes; “Spacecraft crash injuring occupant, subsequent encounter” (V9541XD) that I tried to harm myself with a jellyfish; “Toxic effect of contact with other jellyfish, intentional self-harm, initial encounter” (T63622A), from crashing into the ocean. Index to ICD10-2016 codes. There are to many codes, nearly 70,000{[[|Download]]}, to list on a single page. - [[2016aj|Codes A through J]] - [[2016km|Codes K through M]] - [[2016nr|Codes N through R]] - [[2016s1to2499|Codes S1 to S2499]] - [[2016s2500tos7499|Codes S2500 to S7499]] - [[2016s7500tos9999|Codes S7500 to S9999]] - [[2016t1tot2499|Codes T1 to T2499]] - [[2016t2500tot7499|Codes T2500 to T7499]] - [[2016t7500tot9999|Codes T7500 to T9999]] - [[2016vz|Codes V through Z]] [[:bpaddock:letter_from_dean_at_duke|Karen's Journal is now required reading at Duke School of Medicine]]. The quick introduction is here: and the detailed version at [[:book|]] . "Karen's first-hand account of her illness gave an honest, heart-wrenching depiction of what it is like to live with debilitating pain day-to-day." This page may be linked from